In the Assembly
The term “antichrist” occurs only in the second and third letters of John, and the Apostle applies the plural form of the Greek noun to deceivers who were spreading false teachings in his congregations. The presence of “antichrists” constituted irrefutable evidence that the “Last Days” were underway, and the false teachers were the product of the “Spirit of Antichrist,” forerunners of the final “Antichrist” who was yet to come.
The Greek term translated as “antichrist”
means “instead of Christ,” NOT “against Christ.” The sense of the
preposition anti is “instead of.” Certainly, the “Antichrist” is
no ally of the Nazarene, but Satan’s strategy is to replace him with a “different
Jesus,” a clever counterfeit - (2 John 7-8).
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[Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash] |
John’s reference to “many deceivers” echoes the earlier warning of Jesus about coming false prophets and false teachers intent on misleading the “Elect.”
- “Beware lest anyone deceive you; for MANY will come upon my name, saying, I am the Christ, and will DECEIVE MANY… And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray… For there will arise false Christs, and false prophets, and will show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” - (Matthew 24:4-5, 11-13, 23-25).
In 1 John, the Apostle declares that
it is “the Last Hour,” the
period elsewhere called the “Last Days.” The final era of History had
begun even before John wrote his epistles in the first century - (1 John
The idea that we live in the “Last Days”
occurs multiple times in Scripture, and John could point to the presence of deceivers
in the Church to substantiate the claim (“Even now many antichrists have
come whereby we perceive that it is the last hour”) - (Matthew
24:4-5, Mark 13:5-6, Luke 21:8, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy
They are labeled “antichrists,” not
because they are pagan religious leaders working outside the Assembly, but because
they are active in it (“They went out from among us”). They can be identified
by their denial “that Jesus is the Anointed One.”
John does not coordinate these “many antichrists”
or the coming of the final “Antichrist” with the return of Jesus or
other final events, at least, not in his three letters. The concern is with the
damage they are inflicting - (1 John 4:1-3).
His letters provide instructions on how believers
can avoid deception; namely, by adhering
to the teachings of the Apostles along with their knowledge of the “Son.”
There is no knowledge of God apart from Jesus, and his disciples must “test
the spirits” - (1 John 4:1-4).
The disciple must exercise discernment because “many false prophets” have arrived, and in John’s letter, the stress is on the term “MANY.” The activities of deceivers and counterfeit “Christs” have been a constant problem in the church since its inception.
False teachers
are recognizable by their denial that “Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.”
This means they reject his genuine humanity (“By this, we know the spirit of
truth and the spirit of error”).
The “spirit” that denies this IS the “Spirit of the Antichrist,”
a trait that also will characterize the final “Antichrist.”
Furthermore, THE Antichrist is “coming.”
In John’s letter, the term translated as “coming” represents the Greek verb in the
progressive present verb tense form. It refers to an ongoing process.
What about the world
beyond the Assembly, and the threat posed to humanity in general by this coming
“Antichrist”? In fact, the deceivers are “of the world,” and therefore,
they “speak as of the world, and the world hears them.”
The world receives
their lies gladly because
it is deceived and under Satan’s influence. Even now, the “Spirit of Antichrist”
holds sway over all humanity apart from those men and women who belong to Jesus,
the Son of God who “cane in the flesh.”
John says
nothing about specific “signs” that will portend the arrival of THE “Antichrist”
or the “Last Hour.” What would be the point since the “Last Hour”
is underway? His concern is with how the deceivers impact believers, as well as
how the Body of Christ can identify and deal with them.
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[Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash] |
The conflict has raged since the founding of the Church, and it will continue until the day the Risen Jesus arrives and strikes down the final great deceiver, the “Man of Lawlessness” - (2 Thessalonians 2:8-9).
The Apostle Paul warned the Thessalonians that
this “Lawless One” would only be revealed when he “seated himself in the sanctuary of God,” a term he
elsewhere applies to the “Body of Christ.” Just as Satan’s agents are
active in the Assembly, so the final great Deceiver will attempt to wreak havoc
in the Body of Christ.
If John’s epistles provide a reliable method
for identifying the “Antichrist,” then we must look first in our own
midst for this creature and his forerunners before we look to global political
leaders in the outside world for this dark figure.
- Seated in the Sanctuary - (The Man of Lawlessness will be unveiled when he seats himself in the House of God - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
- Until Revealed - (Already, the mystery of lawlessness is at work preparing for the unleashing of the Man of Lawlessness)
- Mystery of Lawlessness - (The Mystery of Lawlessness is preparing the way for the unveiling of the Lawless One who will cause many believers to apostatize)
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