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First Three Beasts

The Prophet Daniel saw “ four beasts ascending ” from a chaotic sea. Each creature corresponds to one of the four parts of the “ great image with a golden head ” seen by Nebuchadnezzar in his earlier dream. The conceptual link is deliberate. Daniel’s vision utilized the same fourfold structure as the Babylonian king’s dream.

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The Book of Revelation presents two contrasting characters – the “Lamb” and the “Beast from the Sea.” The “Beast” awes the “inhabitants of …

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The Book of Revelation presents us with paradoxical images and visions that do not conform to our expectations about how God works. His pur…

The Beastly Religion

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Beastly Economics

The “False Prophet” uses economic power against anyone who refuses to render homage to the World Empire, and the “Mark of the Beast” is his…
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