Rendering Homage
The False Prophet uses every means necessary to coax or coerce men to give their allegiance to the Beast from the sea. The “false prophet” uses “signs and wonders” and its control of commerce
to cause the “inhabitants of the earth” to render homage to the “Beast.” Whether he employs force or persuasion, the goal is the same. Anyone who
refuses to submit is excluded from the economic life of the Empire.
And the book employs an interesting and
relevant Greek term when describing the beast’s agenda. Unfortunately, its
force is often lost in English translations. The “false prophet” employs all
the authority of the first “Beast” to coax the “inhabitants of the
earth” to “WORSHIP” the “Beast.”
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[Photo by Yusuf Dündar on Unsplash] |
However, the Greek verb ‘proskuneô’ does not mean “worship” in the sense of ritualistic adoration of a deity or deities in a church or temple. Its basic sense is “prostrating” oneself before someone of superior rank.
The term
combines the Greek preposition ‘pros,’ meaning “towards,” with the word for
“kiss.” In other words, “to kiss toward” someone. It is derived from the idea
of bowing down to kiss the hem of a dignitary’s robe. From this is
derived the idea of “rendering homage” or “giving allegiance.” The modern
practice of swearing allegiance to persons, causes, and organizations best
represents the idea.
And this is
precisely what the False Prophet does – cause individuals, peoples, and nations to submit and give their allegiance to the “Beast from the sea.” And if this
master deceiver is unable to persuade or flatter anyone into doing so, he
carries a very big stick that he does not hesitate to use; namely, ECONOMIC
In the book, the “inhabitants of the
earth” are contrasted with the followers of the “Lamb.” Members of
the former group have the “number of the Beast” branded on their “right
hand,” indicating ownership - they now belong to the “Beast.”
But the followers of the “Lamb” have his name “written on their foreheads,” the “seal of God,” since they follow him “wherever he goes.”
And thus, the “mark of the Beast” is the Devil’s
counterfeit to God’s seal. Whichever mark anyone bears demonstrates where his
or her allegiance lies - (Revelation 7:1-3, 14:1-4).
Because the “inhabitants of the earth”
take the Beast’s mark, they are legally authorized to engage in commerce, to “buy
and sell.”
However, the followers of the “Lamb”
have been purchased by his blood, and because they bear his name, they are excluded
by the “Beast” and his “false prophet” from participating in the economic
life of the Empire.
Loyalty to the “Beast” has its
rewards, at least for a time, but remaining faithful to the “Lamb” comes
with great personal loss and economic deprivation.
Thus, humanity is divided into two groups: those who follow the “Lamb” and those who give allegiance to the “beast.” And there is no middle ground. One is either subjugated by the “Beast from the sea,” or follows Jesus.
And to whom one belongs determines whether his
or her name is included in or excluded from the “Lamb’s book of life.” Disciples
of Jesus may be denied material prosperity in this life by the “Dragon”
and his servants, but they will reap something vastly superior when they enter
the “city of New Jerusalem” - (Revelation 13:16-18).
And in Revelation, receiving the Beast’s
“mark” on the “forehead” or “right hand” mimics the ancient
call to Israel to worship Yahweh alone. That is the goal of the “false
prophet,” to subvert the allegiance that belongs to God and replace it
with submission to and enslavement in the imperial order - (Deuteronomy 6:5-8).
The “false prophet” also deceives
men into fabricating an “image” of the “Beast” before which they
must prostrate themselves. But what distinguishes this image is not its shape,
size, or form, but the total allegiance to it required by the “Beast”
and his mouthpiece.
The honor and loyalty that belongs only to God
and Jesus is lavished on the beastly image and the Empire that it represents.
This is the ultimate form of idolatry, state
idolatry, and it occurs whenever the political order demands loyalty
that belongs to God.
One day, perhaps sooner than we think, a
political entity will appear on the world scene that will use its economic
might against nations, peoples, and individuals that do not submit to its
demands. When that occurs, it will be a sign that the “Beast” is “ascending
from the sea” to wage war against the followers of the “Lamb.”
Moreover, when this new order does appear, disciples
must choose whether to submit to it or to Jesus regardless of any cost to
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